アゴラ2014 開幕セッション・キーノートセッション 開催報告
Keynote Session

アゴラキーノートセッション4「イノベーターと語ろう! ~君の夢と社会の願いをかなえる力~」
Agora Keynote Session 4 "Where does ambition come from? : Young innovator’s on the front line."

■開催概要/Session Information

■登壇者と発表資料/Presenters and Presentation Materials

■映像記録/Film Chronicle

■レポート/Session Report


There are people who are engaged in research projects that can potentially change the world. What kinds of paths did they take to get to where they are now? In Agora Keynote Session 4, two top innovators engaged in torrential rain forecasting and the artificial synthesis of spider silk talked about the beliefs which led to their innovative research. Also, university undergraduate and postgraduate students who have participated in Super Science High Schools (SSH), training courses for future scientists and global science competitions gave words of encouragement to junior high school and high school students.

The audience was full of young people


In the session, many junior high school and high school students joined the audience in order to listen to the speakers. This session offered them an opportunity to meet researchers that they can relate to more easily, because the two top innovators who spoke at the session were young and also undergraduate and postgraduate students had a panel discussion.

Weather forecasts which combine state-of-the-art radar and a supercomputer


Takemasa Miyoshi, Team Leader of the Data Assimilation Research Team at the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science explained that a weather forecast system can be created by combining state-of-the-art radar which enables the detailed observation of the structure of rain clouds in three dimensions and the “K computer” supercomputer which enables advanced simulations. He added that this would enable the accurate prediction of sudden torrential rain. The term “data assimilation” used in the team’s name means increasing the accuracy of simulations by incorporating observation data into simulations. The objective of Dr. Miyoshi’s research is to replicate the movement of clouds more accurately than has never been achieved before and to identify localized changes in the weather, by combining the data obtained by high performance radar and the K computer. He emphasized that he creates value by combining innovations.



After graduating from the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University in 2000, Dr. Miyoshi found job at the Japan Meteorological Agency(JMA) and worked on administrative affairs for two years. However, he became eager to engage in research and decided to try studying abroad using the National Personnel Authority Long-term Overseas Fellowship Program. He looked back at his struggles then and said that he studied English every day regardless of how late he went home.


At the University of Maryland where he was admitted as an international student, he studied hard and received a doctorate in two years. This is the shortest period recorded for a student to receive a doctorate from the University of Maryland.


After returning to the JMA, Dr. Miyoshi focused on technological development and received the Yamamoto-Syono Award for Outstanding Papers in 2008, which is an honor given to young researchers in meteorology. He explained that working on the state-of-the-art technological developments at the JMA made him become determined to pursue his career as a researcher. He left the JMA and concentrated on world-leading research projects as an assistant professor at the University of Maryland.


Later, Dr. Miyoshi heard about the K computer and moved to RIKEN where he currently works, in order to make full use of the K computer in his research. He said that the environment provided by RIKEN allows him to concentrate solely on research and that he would like to use this environment to devote himself to meteorology and contribute to humanity. He also said that research costs money and that he would only engage in research which he can confidently say would create value that exceeds the research costs. Dr. Miyoshi considers that he is at the stage where he should aim for the summit through the world’s state-of-the-art research.


Dr. Miyoshi advised junior high school and high school students that English is important if they want to become researchers and that they should become able to communicate their opinions in English. He also advised them to talk about their dreams, hopes and ideas to others even though we do not know what the future will bring. He also said to the students, “I do research because science is fun. Even state-of-the-art research originates from motivation and passion. It is important that you enjoy science.”

Successful mass production of artificially synthesized spider silk which is the toughest in the world


Junichi Sugahara, Executive officer of Spiber Inc. gave a speech following Dr. Miyoshi. Mr. Sugahara works on the themes of the mass production and utilization of artificially synthesized spider silk. Spider silk is known to be the toughest material on earth. Theoretically, a spider’s web made of spider silk which is 1 cm in diameter could stop a jet airplane. Mr. Sugahara said, “Spider silk can be used to produce clothes that cannot be torn even if you fall over in them. It can also be used to develop lighter and more durable auto parts as well as artificial blood vessels.”


しかし、クモは肉食動物のため家畜化が難しく、クモの糸を大量に調達できないという欠点があります。その欠点を解決するため、クモの糸を作る遺伝子を人工合成し、微生物に組み換えることでクモ糸を作らせることに成功したのが、菅原氏を始めとするスパイバーの創業メンバーです。スパイバーは、2013年に、世界で初めて合成クモ糸繊維の量産化を実現したとして、大きな注目を浴びています。社名は、スパイダー(spider: クモ)とファイバー(fiber: 繊維)の組み合わせに由来します。

However, spider silk has a disadvantage. It cannot be procured in large quantities because spiders are predators that cannot be farmed. In order to overcome this disadvantage, the founders of Spiber Inc. including Mr. Sugahara successfully synthesized the genes for producing spider silk fibroin proteins and incorporated them into microbes, which then produced the artificial protein material. Spiber Inc. has gained much attention as a company which achieved the world’s first mass production of synthesized spider silk fiber in 2013. The name of the company is an incorporation of the words “spider” and “fiber.”

菅原氏がこのような道を歩むきっかけとなったのは、大学で起業に興味をもつ先輩(注:スパイバー(株)取締役兼代表執行役 関山和秀氏)との会話からでした。この世で最も強い虫は何か、という他愛もない話からクモの糸の話題となり、仲間と独自にクモ糸の合成研究を始めました。研究開始から3年後にクモ糸の合成に成功したものの、ほこりのような小ささで、本当にクモ糸なのか疑う声もあったそうです。当時の菅原氏は、誰が見てもクモの糸だとわかるくらいのものを作ってから起業しようと考えていました。「ところが先輩は違った。誰もが無理だと思っている今だからこそ勝ち目がある、と。ベンチャー企業は、賭けに出ないといけないときがある」(菅原氏)。賭けには勇気が要りますが、信頼できる仲間がいたからこそ起業できたと、菅原氏は振り返りました。

Mr. Sugahara started to work on this theme after he had a conversation with a student in a higher grade at his university who was interested in starting up a business (note: Kazuhide Sekiyama, Representative Executive Officer of Spiber Inc.). The conversation started from a general topic like what is the strongest bug in the world. They then moved on to talking about spider silk, and it motivated them along with others to start independent research into the synthesis of spider silk. Although they succeeded in synthesizing spider silk three years after the research started, it was as small as dust and some people doubted if it really was spider silk. At the time, Mr. Sugahara thought that they should start up a business after succeeding in producing spider silk that was big enough for everybody to see that it was indeed spider silk. “However, my colleague that I mentioned before said otherwise. He said that we should start up a business right away because nobody has achieved mass spider silk production. A venture company has to take chances sometimes,” Mr. Sugahara said. He looked back and said that, although taking a chance requires courage, he was able to jump in because he had colleagues that he trusted.


Mr. Sugahara said that, immediately after the business startup, the subsidy they received from the local government was not enough and they just about managed to create the environment needed for experiments by investing their own money although they were still students. Initially, they were only able to make one spider silk thread which was only a few centimeters long, but they eventually succeeded in synthesizing a large quantity of long spider silk threads stably and started to receive increasing support from investors. They currently have about 70 employees. As they had developed the basic technology, they established a factory with a production capacity of 10 tons per year, as a center for scaling-up the research and product development.


How did they manage to achieve the mass production of spider silk which was believed to be impossible? Mr. Sugahara emphasized that seeing the whole picture rather than dividing the synthesizing process is key. “Combining a wide range of technologies is important. Through combining them, you can find new ideas and new problems,” Mr. Sugahara said.


Mr. Sugahara said that innovative research needs passion, meeting the right people and the will to seize opportunities. He also added, “Actually I did not like biology when I entered the university. However, I learned that biotechnology can solve many problems including the exhaustion of oil, viral infections and food shortages. That’s why I decided to work on this theme. Motivation is important.”

Messages from university undergraduate and postgraduate students to junior high school and high school students


In the latter half of the session, speeches were given by four university undergraduate and postgraduate students who have participated in Super Science High Schools (SSH), training courses for future scientists and global science competitions. Each of them gave a lecture on the research and other activities that they are currently engaged in, before moving on to a panel discussion. They had heated discussions about their experiences in scientific research and the connection between research and society, as well as on their prospects for the future. The discussions were facilitated by Momoyo Matsuyama, Project Associate Professor at the National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS)



For example, regarding the difference between research projects conducted by high school students in Japan and overseas, Ken Miura from a graduate school at the University of Tokyo explained, “In Japan, many of the judges for competitions are junior high school teachers, high school teachers and university professors. They judge projects from an educational standpoint. In other countries, Nobel-prize winners and corporate sponsors judge projects and ask about their practical use in detail.” Keisuke Uyama from Waseda University said, “In other countries, the presentations of papers by students are expected to be of the same quality as those of researchers. It is also important to be able to emphasize the advantages of your research project in the limited examination time.”
The discussions extended to the use of English in research. Chieko Ito from Keio University mentioned the need for English when conducting research by saying that she obtains the information needed for her research by directly accessing the websites of overseas institutions. Mr. Miura emphasized the importance of English as a communication tool for daily research activities by saying that there are many international students at university laboratories and meetings are conducted in English.


There are constant discussions about whether scientific research should be driven by intellectual curiosity or take into account practical use. In this panel discussion, Yumi Nakamori from Osaka University said that she is driven solely by curiosity, while Mr. Miura said that a technology has value if it is useful for people, although his initial motivation is curiosity. Ms. Ito said that she takes practical use into account, although she does research out of curiosity. On the other hand, Mr. Uyama said that either way is good as long as you know what the purpose of your research is.


Near to the end of the panel discussion, the audience was invited to ask questions. One of the school students who wishes to become a scientific researcher asked the panelists how they get through difficulties when their experiment or research becomes deadlocked. Ms. Nakamori gave a unique answer, “I get through difficulties with a smile. Somebody will give you a helping hand if you have a smile. Feeling low will only give you bad results.” The audience nodded when Mr. Uyama said, “You are getting to the heart of the research topic when you face difficulties. You should be patient and think it through. It is also important for you to step back and examine whether it is a problem you need to solve.”



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