アゴラ2014 開幕セッション・キーノートセッション 開催報告

Agora Keynote Session 6 "Socialization of Challenge : Why should we aspire for ground-breaking research projects that have high risk and aim at high reward?"


In this session, we look back on a history of high risk research to get a bird'seye view of what environmental and cultural aspects have made high risk research development possible. Then, we will discuss why we should have high risk research projects in science, how Japanese society has made them possible up to now, and what the issues are in order to socialize the spirit of challenge. A fresh example from the ImPACT program led by CSTI / CAO will be provided.

■開催概要/Session Information

■登壇者/Presenter and Moderator:

久間和生 内閣府総合科学技術・イノベーション会議 議員
Kazuo Kyuma, Executive Member, Council for Science, Technology and Innovation, Cabinet Office of Japan


Kazuo Kyuma received a Ph.D in engineering from the Tokyo Institute of Technology. He has since taken part in research and development at Mitsubishi Electric including optical fiber sensors, optical neurochips, and image processing systems. He has also served as Technology Research Institute Director and Vice President representative executive officer at Mitsubishi Electric.

久間和生 内閣府総合科学技術・イノベーション会議 議員

佐藤靖 科学技術振興機構研究開発戦略センター フェロー
Yasushi Sato, Fellow, Center for Research and Development Strategy, Japan Science and Technology Agency

1994年科学技術庁入庁、2005年米国ペンシルバニア大学大学院科学史・科学社会学科博士課程修了、Ph.D. 政策研究大学院大学助教授などを経て、10年より現職。

Yasushi Sato received a Ph.D in History and Sociology of Science from the University of Pennsylvania. He has served as Assistant Professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies before being appointed fellow at the Japan Science and Technology Agency Center for Research and Development Strategy in 2010.

佐藤靖 科学技術振興機構研究開発戦略センター フェロー

山川義徳 革新的研究開発戦略プログラム(ImPACT)プログラム・マネージャー
Yoshinori Yamakawa, Program Manager, Japan Science and Technology Agency ImPACT Program


Yoshinori Yamakawa joined the NEC Corporation in 2000, and later received a Ph.D in Human and Environmental Studies from Kyoto University. He has served as Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Informatics at Kyoto University, and worked at the NTT Data Institute of Management Consulting before being appointed Program Manager at the Japan Science and Technology Agency in 2014.

山川義徳 革新的研究開発戦略プログラム(ImPACT)プログラム・マネージャー

寺田雅美(ファシリテーター) (株)フューチャーセッションズ研究員、科学コミュニケーター
Masami Terada, Research fellow, Future Sessions Inc. Science Communicator

科学技術館インストラクター、日本科学未来館科学コミュニケーターとして、計6年間の科学コミュニケーション活動に従事。国内外の多様な来館者と、多様な社会課題について対話を重ねた経験を通じ、一人ひとりが自分ごととして科学とのつながりを語る場作りが重要であると実感。企業、行政、NPO等のセクター横断型イノベーションの場としてのフューチャーセッションを企画・実施、「Our Futures」の記事執筆等を担当。(

Masami Terada is an experienced science communicator, currently working as a science communicator at the Miraikan, and a science museum instructor. Through her work and talking to a local and international museum visitors on a variety of issues, she has believes it is important to provide individuals with a place where they can explore how science affects them. She organises and runs future session innovation events for industry, government and non-profit organisations, and is a writer for Our Futures (

寺田雅美(ファシリテーター) (株)フューチャーセッションズ研究員、科学コミュニケーター



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